Monday 30 April 2018

"Avengers: Infinity War" Ending and End Credits Scene Explained | Spoiler Alert

"There's no one in the car..."

I'm not gonna keep saying this. Spoilers ahead. Major spoilers. The most spoilers. Spoiler Alert. Huge spoilers ahead. 

I just wanna quickly say that so much of Infinity War's magic comes from it's spoilers. It's shocks and awe-inspiring moments are a result of 18 films worth of build up. People have literally grown up with these characters, myself included, but not everyone has the time or money to buy a ticket to see it opening weekend. Don't be selfish, don't spoil this film for others. In the words of the Russo Brothers (who directed this very movie), 'Thanos Demands Your Silence'.

Cool, ready? 

Let's go.

Avengers: Infinity War is an amazing movie with a controversial ending that sees half of the Avengers dead (Black Panther, Scarlet Witch and Spider-man included), and Thanos relaxing in front of a sunset; a smile on his face and a charred gauntlet on his fist. I’ve seen a lot of people complain about this ending, but I personally find that bizarre. I can only guess that the unhappiness comes from an emotional response to the fact our heroes lost. Sure, Thanos isn’t defeated, but in the film’s third act there are plenty of satisfying hints as to how the Avengers can pull through.

The first hint at the transience of Thanos' rapture is the demise of T’Challa. With Black Panther 2 on the way and Black Panther 1 proving itself to be a triple threat this February (amazing critical reviews, fan reception and box office), his death assures us that Avengers 4 will be more of a rescue mission than a funeral service. He's simply too popular to kill permanently. Our second hint that the 'Infinity Snap' will be reversed (at least partially) is the death of Spider-man. The admittedly heartbreaking passing of Peter Parker left more than just Tony Stark sobbing (the entire movie audience was in tears too), but considering - again - that Spider-Man: Homecoming 2 is on the way we can gather that Tom Holland’s Parker will return.

It’s worth noting, though, that the scheduled Black Panther 2 and Spider-Man 2 don't ensure the return of these Avengers. They could, theoretically, remain dead with their sequels taking place in the past, before Infinity War’s finale. This probably wont be the case though; for Marvel to kill off Spider-Man and Black Panther before their chance to shine in the Avengers 5 and 6 would be the dumbest decision that Marvel could ever make.

Infinity War was never, despite the film’s title, an Avengers film. It was Thanos’, right down to the end credits card that mysteriously stated “Thanos will return” and not “The Avengers” as you would expect. This film is a twist on the super-hero genre in that it’s told from Thanos’ point of view, and sure, we have an emotional connection to the super-hero ‘pests’ that are trying to halt his plan, but that doesn't make the film any less...his. Look at it this way, if you’re looking for the film’s three act structure in regards to the story lines of the heroes, there isn’t one. The film is a magnificent jumble of plot and action that jumps from sub-team to sub-team in a quest to stop the Mad Titan.

Watch from Thanos’ perspective, though, and the third act structure is clear.

The film starts with Thanos attempting to regroup the Infinity Stones and sending out his followers to Earth to collect the two that lie there. The second act revolves around his love for Gamora and culminates in her death and the acquisition of the Soul Stone. In the second act we realise that Thanos not only loves Gamora but that he believes in his plan to massacre half of the universe so deeply that he’s willing to sacrifice her for it. It offers him character development ['MANTIS: "He’s grieving...he’s in pain"'] and heightens his threat level to the audience - now he has nothing to lose.

The third act offers the Titan-based and Wakanda-based battles. These events follow a structure normally reserved for a hero. In your typical super-hero flick, the end battle becomes more and more intense until it looks like our protagonist is on the brink of death. Somehow, though, they succeed, and succeed Thanos does. When it looked like it was over for the Titan he pulled through with his 'Infinity Snap' (is that what we’re gonna call it?). He worked hard for his happy ending, he deserves it. Despite that, the writers of Infinity War worked hard to leave hints that ensure us it won’t last forever.

Doctor Strange knew there was only one way to survive Thanos’ attack. They could refuse to offer Thanos the Time Stone and all be murdered by him, or they could offer it to him in the knowledge that, while half of them will die, half of them will survive. The remaining Avengers (a group which poetically includes all 6 of our original team with Hawkeye set to return in Avengers 4) are still alive, Tony Stark is still alive. Sure, Thanos got what he wanted, but what he failed to do was completely wipe out the Avengers - the only people that could defeat him.

We can also deduce that Tony will be in full out rage mode come next years 4th installment. He spent the entire introduction to the film telling Pepper how much he wanted a child, and we saw his already paternal bond with Peter Parker deepen in each scene they shared together. With Peter dying in Tony's arms, then, you can bet Iron Man won't rest until he murders Thanos himself.

That brings us to the end credits scene.

Maria Hill and Nick Fury are caught up in the effects of the 'Infinity Snap' as they drive through what looks to be New York. It’s clear they know that after the events in New York in the beginning of the movie and the masses of Space Craft and Alien warriors descending upon East Africa that something catastrophic is at play. They’re attempting to contact Stark but, as he’s on Titan, Iron Man isn’t responding.

That’s when a car veers off course in front of them, only for Hill and Fury to realise no one’s behind the wheel. The rapture has begun. Helicopters are falling from the sky and into surrounding sky-scrapers because their pilots have disintegrated and mass hysteria takes over. Hill herself starts to fade away when Fury realises what he needs to do. He take’s out a 90’s pager from his inner jacket pocket and frantically types a message. Fury himself begins to fade as the pager drops to the pavement, but he managed to press send in time. The recipient to his distress call is revealed as the camera pans down to the pager's tiny screen: Carol Danvers. As the pager delivers Fury's message we see her signature red, blue and yellow colours behind a pixelated Kree Star - Captain Marvel's emblem. Thankfully, the distress signal was sent, but is it all too late?

So who is Captain Marvel?

Played by Brie Larson, Carol Danvers is a U.S. fighter pilot who had her DNA merged with alien Kree genetics after an accident. As a result she has immense powers. With super strength, energy blasts, flight and immunity to toxins make Carol Danvers - without a doubt - the most powerful Marvel hero.

Captain Marvel is set for a February 2019 release - her film comes out just two months before Avengers 4 - and will explain her origin story to audiences. The film is set in the 1990’s and also stars Nick Fury (will we find out what made him lose his eye?) alongside Clark Gregg as Agent Coulson, Lee Pace’s Ronan (the Kree warrior and main villain from the first Guardians movie) and Jude Law’s Mar-Vell (the previous holder of the Captain Marvel moniker). Captain Marvel will be set during the comic-famous Kree-Skrull war and, thanks to this post credits scene, will surely link heavily into the Infinity War saga, making her debut compulsory viewing for Marvel fans.

To learn more about the Kree-Skrull war and to hear my theory about the next Avengers story arc then click here.

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for my Spoiler Free and Spoiler Filled reviews of Avengers: Infinity War, as well as Avengers 4 theory posts.

Written by James Green

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