Tuesday 13 August 2013

Mario Kart 7 Review

Beep-beep, beep-beep, YEAH!

The 3DS instalment of the now infamous Mario Kart series has caused internet uproar as Nintendo announced the inclusions of aerial and underwater sections. The thing is, do the new modes work? I think we all know the answer is yes!

Um, there's a cone on your...never mind

The underwater parts of the tracks that have been created for this new 3DS game are fantastic. Float-y physics and muffled music create an eerie atmosphere; Everything is truly better "under the sea"! Gliders are ejected when your chosen resident of the Mushroom Kingdom drives over a blue boost pad, and opens up an amazing world for you to explore. Your speed increases up in the sky too, and many shortcuts are made accessible because of your new-found flight.
Not only do these sections create variety in the 36 courses, but allow gamers to have a more tactical approach to the game. Multiple pathways open up and it's up to you to choose your own, fastest route.
The tracks are visually lush too. Radiant greens and blues cover Alpine Pass, and creepy purples dot the scene over at Wario's Galleon. Infact, if a screenshot from its Wii incarnation was placed next to a still from Mario Kart 7, then I would be hard pressed to tell the difference!


The 3DS has been truly pushed to the limit, and therefore this game is truly a testament to the dinky machine. Not only does it look great, but the use of 3D is great. It is a lot subtler than the likes of the headache inducing Pilotwings Resort, but is perfect for the high speed racer. Mario in his flying car is almost like having a real diorama in front of your own eyes!

The tracks themselves are quite different. Music Park is a personal favourite of mine, where you can play giant drums and pianos by driving over them à la Tom Hanks' Big. Rainbow Road returns again to, but this time it's not going down without a fight. If you thought that Rainbow Road for Wii was hard, then you're in for a shock! You can glide through jump stars from the Galaxy games to increase your speed. You can drift on Jupiter's Rainbow Rings, and you can drive ON THE MOON. Drifting by the way, is just like in Mario Kart Wii. Mario Kart DS snaking has left the building! Keep your eyes out for a large Pikmin reference when you're in space too!

In terms of character selection, the old favourites also return. With the Baby (we have no characters, let make Daisy a BABY) drivers out the window, many had hoped for different characters along the lines of Prof E. Gadd or Toadsworth. Instead Nintendo have decided to replace them with the giant Honey Queen from Super Mario Galaxy (WHAT O_O) and Metal Mario. Lakitu is welcomed among fans, along with Wiggler, but the former two newcomers are a bit disappointing.

Hold on to your hat Luigi! It's a bit breezy up in the sky!

Mario Kart 7 is the best Mario Kart so far, and I haven't even started on the fact that there is a whole other world of online, worldwide multiplayer that you can sink your pearly whites into! Fully customisable karts are finally here and the speed-boosting coins that were last seen in the GBA edition have returned! If you don't buy this, you're doing yourself an injustice.

9 . 0
OUT  OF  TEN                                                                                                                        Reviewed by James Green

The screenshots used here are from the games Mario Kart Wii and Mario Kart 7 and are owned by Nintendo.
The artwork here is officially created by Nintendo and was found on Google Images.
No copyright infringements are intended in this review.

1 comment:

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