Monday 12 August 2013

New Super Luigi U Review

Is this a successful DLC for New Super Mario Bros. U or is this a really really REALLY bad spin-off of the number one Platforming Plumber?

You all heard the news of a New Super Mario Bros. U DLC. It was certainly coming, but does it live up to the standards of a 2D Mario game? Wait and see after the jump...

Nice artwork eh? But where on earth is Mario!?

The story plot of the game remains the same: Bowser invades the mushroom kingdom, kicks Luigi and co. outta the castle etc. However Mario isn’t there at all (other than his hat) and you won’t see him at all in the game. Of course you guys know that the game focuses on Luigi himself as it is the year of Luigi, so having no Mario isn’t so much of a surprise. However, Nabbit is. As you probably know, Nabbit was a weird looking rabbit which stole items and ran in New Super Mario Bros. U. He does still have the same role in this game, but you can play as him in both multiplayer and single player mode. Unlike Luigi and the Toads (who make a return) Nabbit is invincible (well he can die at times such as lava but that’s generally no surprise).

The only appearance of Mario - his own hat.

Something which I was always quite disappointed with in New Super Mario Bros. U was the graphics. The game wasn’t pushed to its graphical potential but in New Super Luigi U, it has. The overworld in Acorn Plains just looks glorious with the green grass and Nintendo have even put little Luigi secrets in and they look spectacular in HD.

There is no denying that the graphics look even better than New Super Mario Bros. U!

The mechanics of the player have also changed since the original game. Luigi now controls like he does in “Super Mario Bros. 2” with the higher flutter jump and the further sliding. This adds a ton of challenge and fun at the beginning – just constantly sliding into enemies and falling off the edge always makes gameplay that extra bit fun! You eventually get so used to it though that playing like Mario does isn’t normal anymore! The Toads and Nabbit also share these abilities, so multiplayer fun is havoc!

Boost Mode returns from the original game – nothing has changed since. You can either help your friends or kill them, but nothing has changed and the mechanics are all the same.

If you thought boost mode was havoc in New Super Mario Bros. U, then prepare to face hell here.

The map has not changed at all either. Still contains all 82+ courses and no features have changed, but that was to be expected as Nintendo did say so.
Of course there’s one thing that’s seriously changed since New Super Mario Bros. U: The level designs! All the levels have been redesigned to be more challenging compared to the original game. The levels are much shorter (even shorter than New Super Mario Bros. 2) but have a 100 second time limit for each. This really pressurizes you and makes finding those annoying star coins and secret exits even harder than before! And trust me when I say that, because I have experienced that whilst finishing the game… 

Overall, the DLC is much better than that of the original game, and for £17.99 it is very good! The DLC is worth every penny and if you want to play a 2D Mario game on the Wii U and want a challenge, this is the game for you! You can either buy New Super Mario Bros. U and get the DLC for £17.99 or buy the packaged game which doesn’t require New Super Mario Bros. U for £34.99. Either way, New Super Luigi U is amazing which is why I’m giving it 9.0/10! It’s difficulty is much harder (and Nabbit had to be used at times) and what made New Super Mario Bros. U good has been upgraded and improved for New Super Luigi U! Make sure you get it as you really won’t regret it!

9 . 0                                                                                                                Reviewed by Christopher Nguyen
OUT  OF  TEN                                                                                                                                Edited By James Green

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