Sunday 22 December 2013

Top Ten Movies on TV That You Need To Watch This Christmas {2013} (United Kingdom)

Oh boy, Christmas has finally come back into our lives, and onto our screens. While the silver screen is being graced by the delights of 'Tyler Perry's A Madea Christmas', 'Frozen' and 'The Hobbit 2', the small screen is suffering from no negligence. This year there are so many good family movies that everyone can enjoy, and here is JG Review's Top 10 list of the ones you mustn't forget about, and even if you don't have the same telly as the British (hello international readers!), this list can double up as my Top Ten Christmas Favourites that I would recommend. So, without further ado, let's begin...

Prepare yourselves, so many good films are heading to your TV!

Saturday 21 December 2013


I'm very sorry but when I access JG Review on Google Chrome it appears my blog has been plagued with annoying and dodgy advertisings. To avoid this if the same is happening to you, please use Internet Explorer when accessing JG Reviews in the future while I try to remove them. Stay tuned!
    - James

Monday 9 December 2013

Amazing New Sherlock Trailer!

Wow! The BBC have releases a brand new trailer for Series 3 of Sherlock! The big question still looms: how did Sherlock fake his death at the end of Series 2? John however, seems to be more focused on the 'why?' aspect of the hole scenario, and boasts a new moustache while doing so! In the trailer we also get a glimpse of Mark Gatiss' Mycroft Holmes, Louise Brealey's Molly Hooper, Una Stubb's comical interpretation of Mrs Hudson and Rupert Grave's Lestrade. Take a look at the trailer here...

Newcomers for Smash Bros Wii U and 3DS - My Top Five

So with the new instalment of the amazing Super Smash Bros series heading for the Wii U and 3DS sometime next year, JG Review has taken a look into the realms of the Nintendo family. Inspired by the almighty Official Nintendo Magazine, here is our top FIVE list of who we'd like to see join the infamous game...

1 - The Three Dragons (Skyward Sword)

Thursday 5 December 2013


Hi guys! Just a massive reminder that JG Reviews does indeed have a Facebook page! To 'like' us, just click the Facebook tab at the top of the page! That way, you'll all be able to see all of my reviews and news first, AND you can suggest to me and the rest of the team what you'd like me to review next! Thanks for reading!


Saturday 23 November 2013

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Movie Review

After all the hype that surrounds the next installment in the new young adult trilogy, was Catching Fire always doomed to fail?

Jennifer Lawrence is wonderful and empowering as she returns to the role of Katniss Everdeen...

The short answer to the above: no. The long answer? To call The Hunger Games series a collection of Young Adult flicks is a massive disservice to these spectacular films. It's bye-bye to the shaky camera that tainted 'The Hunger Games' so much, and with it goes almost all of the behind the camera talent that aided Gary Ross in the original movie. This movie is so much better than the hideous Twilight films it is constantly compared too, and is also massively better than it's predecessor: the first Hunger Games movie.  With the new special effects team comes impressive mutts and training facilities, and with the new costume team come some of the most staggering Capitol Couture as seen on the likes of Effie, Cinna and Stanley Tucci's Ceaser Flickerman.

Saturday 2 November 2013

Philomena Film Review

It's true, Philomena truly does break your heart, only to fix it right after...

In the 1940s and 50s, young girls who were disgraced or orphaned were sent to convents. Nuns (the Sisters of Mercy) were ruthless Catholics that forced children as young as 14 to give birth without the aid of pain relief or medicine, due to the nature of the babies conception being "sinful". The strict Catholic faith of the nuns ruled the girls too. They were forced to stay at the convent for 4 years to work off their debt to the Sisters with hard physical labour. Mothers were only allowed to see their children for one hour a day. Unbeknownst to the mothers, their children were sold to Americans willing to pay for their own child by the nuns, causing harrowing grief and depression. Thus, the tale of Philomena Lee commences...

Dame Judi amazes and warms the hearts of audiences everywhere with her portrayal of the Irish mother...

Monday 28 October 2013

Mario Kart 8 Preview (London Comic Con Demo)

Mario Kart Great, or alright mate...

As Mario drives, swims and glides onto the first HD console released by Nintendo, the question on everyone's lips is: Can Mario save the Wii U? It's true; Mario has made but one appearance on the Wii U, and NSMB.U was just proof that the novelty of a not so "new" Mario platformer has worn off. Only time will tell if Mario can work his magic on the failing machine.

Stunning, and we mean stunning visuals make this the most gorgeous Mario game EVER.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire FINAL TRAILER + Review


Sunday 27 October 2013

JG Review at the MCM London Expo!

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Trailer Analysis and Review

Welcome to JG Review's first Trailer review! Here we will analyse the trailer for easter eggs and hidden secrets, so don't be surprised if you encounter a few spoilers for all three books / movies along the way! You've been warned...may the odds be ever in your favour...

Super Mario 3D World Preview (London Comic Con Demo)

Christopher Nguyen previews Super Mario 3D World for JG Review

You know that here at JG reviews, 3D Land wasn’t particularly one of our most loved 3DS games; You know we generally didn’t like the 2D style of gaming (flagpoles, checkpoints etc.) being in a 3D plane. We expected we’d hate this game too, but thankfully it very much turned out to be quite the opposite.

Saturday 17 August 2013

Luigi's Mansion 2 (3DS) Review

In the Year of Luigi, his greatest year... does this game live up to the standards of the original? Or is it a bad ghost busting game?

I’m sure most of you know about the original “Luigi’s Mansion” game, and that most of you have played it (I haven’t still…) but back in March, we saw the release of the sequel. Luigi’s Mansion 2 hit stores and since day 1, I got it. But does the hype continue to now, or have I gotten bored of the ghost busting action?

Back to ghost busting - the frightened brother returns.

The Blue Umbrella (Short Film) Review

Paperman is in the lead, but Pixar attempt to promote a new style of animation with The Blue Umbrella

When Disney Animation Studios released Paperman as the short movie to accompany the excellent Wreck-It Ralph, audiences immediately took to the semi-hand drawn, semi-CGI art style. However, now Pixar Animation Studios prepare to do the same, but will it be as good as the now legendary Paperman?

The animation is stunning to watch...Go and find the Red Umbrella!

Monsters University Review

The long awaited sequel becomes a prequel, and it was worth the wait...

Yesterday, a staggering 12 year wait came to a close for me in my life. Looking around in the theatre, I realised that many in the audience weren't even 12 themselves, and in truth I felt old. The sense of nostalgia that was felt by those alive when the original flick came out was evident through laughter and squeals of delight when characters from Inc. made cameos in this movie, and I suppose that the only sad thing was that those new to the franchise wouldn't have understood these ingenious crowd pleasers at all.

Surprisingly, this is a much more Mike orientated movie than I previously thought...

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Super Mario 3D Land Review

Is this a true 3D Mario or is it a major platforming flop?


Back at Nintendo E3 2011, we were given our first glimpse of what would later be known as "Super Mario 3D Land". At first I was really hyped and excited for this new 3DS game, but did it the enjoyment last throughout the adventure?

Is it a good adventure? Read on to find out...

Retro Reviews

Welcome to the Retro Reviews Section of the page created by JG Reviews member Alex Justham!

"People sometimes look for cheap old games that have some amusement value!"-Alex Justham
Due to the rise in popularity of Nintendo's Virtual Console range, and online retailers such as and, many gamers have turned to the vintage side of video game past when they're feeling the money pinch!
Reviews will begin to be posted soon. In the meantime, how about telling us what games, TV shows and films you'd like to see reviewed?

New Super Mario Bros. 2 3DS Review

Is this game a money making success? Or is it the worst Mario game to date?

Announced back in a Nintendo Direct well over a year ago, New Super Mario Bros 2 was confirmed as the 3DS’ 2D platforming game for the no. 1 plumber from the Mushroom Kingdom. After much hype over the game (like the Facebook Coin Rush), does it live up to the expectations of fans or is it a very boring game overall? Find out in this review!

Golden artwork eh?

Mario Kart 7 Review

Beep-beep, beep-beep, YEAH!

The 3DS instalment of the now infamous Mario Kart series has caused internet uproar as Nintendo announced the inclusions of aerial and underwater sections. The thing is, do the new modes work? I think we all know the answer is yes!

Um, there's a cone on your...never mind

Monday 12 August 2013

New Super Luigi U Review

Is this a successful DLC for New Super Mario Bros. U or is this a really really REALLY bad spin-off of the number one Platforming Plumber?

You all heard the news of a New Super Mario Bros. U DLC. It was certainly coming, but does it live up to the standards of a 2D Mario game? Wait and see after the jump...

Nice artwork eh? But where on earth is Mario!?

Paper Mario: Sticker Star Review

Is this game a sticking success or an epic fail?

The hype of Sticker Star created by Nintendo was huge, and with the amount of coverage and footage floating about you surely expect a good game, but alas, it does not impress...

The artwork is more impressive than the game.

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Review

Does the anniversary game entertain, or fall flat on it's beaked face?

After the amount of hype that surrounded this game during it's development and design, Nintendo had already made it hard for themselves before the latest instalment of Zelda had hit the shelves; Does the Wii game impress though, or will it be the series first flop since the underwhelming Zelda II?

                                                  The painted look certainly impresses


Welcome to JG Reviews! If you're after trustworthy reviews then this is certainly the place to be, with a different review posted at least every week! Whether you want films, TV-shows or games, then we are sure to meet your standards!
