Monday 19 January 2015

My Top Ten Anticipated Movies of 2015

There are so many amazing films coming out that we couldn't even fit all the ones we were excited about in our Top Ten! If you want something to be excited about, then be sure to check out this phenomenal list!

2015 will be a staggeringly packed year we have for us movie fans. Beloved franchises continue - and end in the case of The Hunger Games - this year. Some iconic franchises will experience a renewal (Star Wars returns this Christmas) and some iconic franchises have the potential to be birthed too - PIXAR returns this year with two brand new movies sure to each have a slew of successful sequels. So, what better for us to do than to discuss these oncoming blockbusters right here on JG Review? Read on the find out my Top Ten anticipated movies of 2015!

Sunday 18 January 2015

Into The Woods Movie Review

Into the Cinema, it's time to go, I hate to leave, I have to though, Into the Woods is out right now and it's an awesome movie...

Rob Marshall returns to the director's chair after phenomenal success with Chicago and Annie (1999) and teams up with the producer of one of the longest running Broadway shows ever: Wicked. Phenomenal talent Emily Blunt, Meryl Streep, Anna Kendrick, Johnny Depp, James Corden and Chris Pine have all been attracted to the project which has taken a staggering 29 years to arrive on the silver screen. All things considered, Into the Woods really should be a solid musical adaptation, and it really is - but is it a good movie?

Black Widow Confirmed for Captain America: Civil War

Like a Black Widow baby...

Scarlet Johansson will reprise her role as beloved Super Spy: Black Widow in Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron out Summer 2015, but it has recently been announced that she will also return for Captain America: Civil War in 2016 - a surely epic take on the 2006 comic book saga that saw the Marvel Universe torn in half as the two biggest titans - Iron Man and Captain America - spar in a deadly ideological war. However, what does this mean for the MCU in the future

Thursday 8 January 2015

Batman V Superman Trailer Release Date Confirmed!

A leaked article detailing when certain trailers will drop was leaked earlier this week!

Thankfully for us, the supposed "leak" (which may very well be fake) confirmed that the first trailer for the now heavily anticipated Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice will be released on...