Wednesday 31 August 2016

STRANGER THINGS Season 2 Announced | Release Date, Episode Titles and more...

MadMax, The Pollywog and who?

In a delightful surprise release, Netflix have just debuted a startling video on their YouTube channel seemingly announcing a second season of the hit show 'Stranger Things'. This announcement follows a recent investigation by SimilarWeb that reveals it to be the third most popular Netflix show of all time, accounting for 60% of its overall traffic since its release. In this reveal, however, were some interesting hidden details...

Thursday 11 August 2016

Suicide Squad Review

The phrase 'style over substance' comes to mind..

Suicide Squad, the third installment in the DC Extended Universe saga (that also includes Man of Steel and the infamous Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice) has been eagerly awaited by millions worldwide. Since the very first teaser for the film dropped at last year's San Diego Comic Con, DC fans have been clamoring over every still image released for the movie. Whether it was the initial media frenzy that occurred surrounding the reveal of Jared Leto's arresting Joker or the pop-punk re-imagining of the beloved Harley Quinn, everything had pointed to DC's first true cinematic success. So, did Suicide Squad live up to the hype? Absolutely not. The film, as a film, was an utter mess.

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Finding Dory Review

"But...what if I forget you?..."

A massive thirteen years after the critically acclaimed Finding Nemo washed up onto the world's cinematic shore, Disney Pixar has finally provided an entire generation with what they have clamored for since the tender ages of five, six and seven. Finding Dory is - in every way - a special film. It is a U rated movie that, despite its lack of action, glitz and glam, has audience members of 18 to 24-year-olds as gripped and moved as the children (and parents of) that you would think a summertime animation such as this would aim to entrance...