Monday 23 July 2018

How Warner Bros. Hopes To Fix the DCEU | DC @ Comic Con 2018

'Fish are friends, not food'

The DC movie universe has been, thus far, almost completely abysmal. Sure, Wonder Woman was great and Man of Steel has a pretty large fan-base, but films like Batman V Superman and Justice League that should have been box-office juggernauts were terribly-received and incredibly disappointing. It's time, then, to try and fix DC's mess.

Tuesday 17 July 2018

'Incredibles 2' Film Review

The land of tomorrow, today.

The first Incredibles was one of the most sophisticated looks at the superhero genre made by Hollywood to date. Mr Incredible and Elastigirl's first outing 14 years ago was a film about a struggling father going through a mid-life crisis. It wasn't a film made solely for kids, it was a film made for their parents that happened to also be hugely appealing to younger audiences.

Sunday 8 July 2018

10 of my Favourite Films | The Trysting Trees Tag

Ok, it's not actually 'called' that, but just run with it.

I was tagged by my friend Ellie on Facebook to take part in a little viral tag where you list your 10 favourite films during 10 consecutive days. Although I should technically be sharing this list on my timeline I decided that, amidst my barrage of Beyonce videos and political rants, I would just post them all on here - the site I created solely to talk about movies. 

Tuesday 3 July 2018

The Best LGBTQ Films To Watch During Pride Season | Great Queer Cinema

Visual Albums, Rom-Coms and Indies, Oh My!

Ok, so London Pride is about to take over the UK's capital and June (the International Pride Month) has just come to an end. It's probably the best time of the year to support queer cinema and watch a new LGBTQ movie, so allow me to take you through some of the best including ones you definitely haven't seen.